目前分類:自言自語 (3)

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What a beautiful testimony that brother Lee shared with us this morning. I have to admit that I got really emotional when he talked about him and his wife marrying each other for the second time, and how their twin sons were proud to be at "their own parents' wedding".

It just suddenly reminded me that, as a kid,  I also had the same wish for the longest time, but it still became the dream that never came true when both of my parents started their new families.

I still clearly remember the day I first met my dad's girlfriend (now his wife). I pretty much scared her by bursting into tears the moment my dad introduced us. I was eight and I had never felt so hopeless before. I guess when my parents first got divorced, I was still somewhat clueless about what happened. All I knew was that my dad would not live with us anymore, but it wasn't too big of a change because he always had to travel for work and was never home that much anyway. But it wasn't until I saw my dad's girlfriend that I realized the four of us would never be a family again. Never. I cried for so long that I used almost a whole box of tissues, but I didn't say a word. After a while, I was afraid that my dad would be mad for my bad manners. However, he seemed to understand why I was acting like this, and he just sat next to me and wept.

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這部電影是將近一年前上映的,不過我到現在才看。@.@ 其實我是非常喜歡第一集的納尼亞傳奇的,照理來說第二集上映時我應該要迫不及待地去電影院看,但是去年上映時不知道為什麼,我一直沒有覺得太想看,可能是從預告片看起來場景都暗暗的,也可能是下意識覺得續集通常都會讓人失望吧。


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  • Apr 07 Tue 2009 23:51
  • 水晶


既然是大壽,就不能隨便挑一些有的沒有的,必須要挑一份算是有紀念價值的禮物。其實要代表爸爸買禮物還滿有壓力的,要是挑不好,被嫌的會是爸爸。 想來想去,我決定買……


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